Form Ratings Free Strategy Guide


by Reg Morris

Stablewhispersplusrank at No 1 for November 2010 (stable whispers)in the racing information database chart, Sheffield, which is proofed to by every leading professional advisor in the UK.

Also No 1 for December 2010 ( gold investments ) including a winning exclusive private members club showing 150- 210 points yearly profit - special information from HQ.

We only bet on flat races with this service as we consider National Hunt far too risky!

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Mar 09, 2021
Decent tips
by: Bryn owen

Decent tips knows what he's on about regarding horses, shame he talks rubbish about world affairs, also need to sort his phone line buzzing when you call it

Dec 13, 2014
by: tony martin

never answers the phone poor service

Feb 04, 2011
by: Anonymous

what a great resource...

10 cent superfecta

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