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Killed at Hurst Park Racecourse?

Winner of last race at Hurst Park

Winner of last race at Hurst Park

Was a horse called Turkey Trot ever killed at Hurst Park Racecourse? If so, what was the date please?

Answer supplied by Laurie Ross

There have been three British-bred fillies named Turkey Trot.

One was born in 1911, and produced three winners.

One, born in 1946 was sent to the US, and the other was born in 1979.

Hurst Park Racecourse in Surrey closed in 1962.

Of the US bred Turkey Trots, both were born after the race track closed.

Pony racing was held at the track in 1890, I suppose one of the ponies could have been named Turkey Trot, but I have no way of finding out.

So to answer your question, I don't believe a thoroughbred named Turkey Trot died at Hurst Park.

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Mar 09, 2021
Knacker Man
by: Rob Simpson

Well the story goes that my grandfather and my father went for Sunday lunch at a friends house. The friend was a knacker man.

After lunch my grandfather said, that was a nice piece of beef they had eaten, to which his friend replied it was turkey!

Turkey? No, that was beef.

The friend said no, it was Turkey. It was TurkeyTrot, killed at Hurst Park yesterday!

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