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Newsletter - Susan Corbett's Newsletter August 06, 2024 |
Hi Susan Corbett's Newsletter I really have to start with Yesterdays Owners Open Day – a great turn out of lovely people that support our yard. The horses ( nearly ) all behaved and the staff had worked all day to groom and get the horses ready. What an excellent team of horses we have to go to war with in the Autumn! The raffle table was laden with gifts all donates by yourselves – we raided £900.00 on that alone. Then Andrea had her Tropic Products and is offering 15% on all orders to our Charities. However the crème de la Crème was the Auction! This year we had Professional Auctioneer Jack Walton who was amazing and squeezed the last pounds out of people! Les W had worked hard to get the breeches all framed and signed, a unique whip and silver shoe horn made £300.00 given as prizes to the Late Pat McCarron on winning two of his 244 races (including the 1964 Champion Hurdle – he was 2nd twice in the Grand National ) the gifts were given by his Widow to Les and must be collectors items. Our 'Yard Artist' Jay Kirkman was there and he donated one of his prints which made £250.00. The Waughs, Viv Tut, David Thompson, David McCreath, Semore Kurdi, Eloise Quayle, Alan Hendren and our very own Rose gave the Auction items which raised an amazing £2305.00! So thanks to all the bidders! So over 3K to be divided between the three charities of Zoes Place, Cancer Research and the Injured Jockeys fund – people are still sending donations so I will update accordingly! I also announced the winning ( by Prize money ) Syndicate/Partnership of Castle View Racing, 2nd Northern Racing Club and 3rd Nelson Racing Club. Winning Owner was Samantha Toomes followed closely by Shaun Humphries and Daryl Clarke! I was very proud that so many Owners came along and I hope the yard will progress even further for next season – we could not do it without you! Back to the rest of the week... We had a Borders Pony Club came for the day to use the gallop and have a show around – only 2 fell off! What style a couple of the younger boys had on the mechanical horse! Eyes on them! All horses are now back in full work but still living out in the fields – best of every world. They get a lot more fitness walking around the fields, as long as the weather holds, with feed and exercise – they should be fitter much faster! Apache Angel looked like a riding horse then changed gear at the end of the race so he gets ( another ) final run! So this week:- 9th August – Rogers Dream – first time in a handicap at Thirsk – ground dependant. 17th August – Jimlis Island at Perth for the GRC. 7th September – All welcome to our National Racehorse Week Open Day – details attached 14th December – Christmas Dinner at the Coach House Restaurant. Thanks everyone! Susan Tel: 7713651215 All today's tips and news can be found here regards Chris ![]() |
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